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#TheMamaCode: It’s A Family Affair!

November is all about friends and family make sure you’re following your local studio for opportunities to bring them to class for FREE this month}, and our Co-Founder/Co-CEO Jillian Lorenz knows better than anyone that living by The Barre Code is a family affair. Check out the new mom of 3’s favorite moves to do with her oldest kids {ages 3 & 5} and try them out before Thanksgiving dinner for a fun family activity:

Sing-A-Long Wall Sit
Hold your little one, either facing you or on your lap facing the same direction, depending on their age. Bring  your back to the wall with your feet hips distance apart, then slide down the wall coming into a 90 degree angle with your ankles under your knees and your knees in line with your hips. Hold for one minute while singing a short song like the “ABC’s” together to make the time go by, stand, and repeat up to 5 times. For added fun, lift and lower opposite heels to give your little one a bumpy ride!

Push-Up Playtime
Have your toddler lay on the floor facing you, align your face to theirs and take your hands wider than your shoulders with one hand on either side of their body. Stay on your knees or pop to your toes for an added challenge, take a full push up and count out loud together giving your child a smooch in between each number. Repeat 10-20x.

Choo-Choo Train Core Work
Establish yourself in an all-fours position with your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Have your toddler climb on your back while keeping your core engaged. Reach your right hand and knee to the right two steps and then back to the left two steps. Repeat on both sides 20 times.

Spaceship Squats
Have your toddler stand in front of you, feet slightly wider than hips. Squat down making sure that your knees track in line with toes, pick up your little one, stand and lift them toward the top corner of the room, keeping abs engaged. Repeat 20x.

The Barre Code Mantra